OSHA – Site Specific Targeting 2016 (SST-16) Program
- December 7, 2018
- Posted by: thinkjcw
- Category: OSHA

Going forward, OSHA will be targeting high injury rate establishments in both the manufacturing and non-manufacturing sectors for inspections. The program uses injury and illness information electronically submitted by employers for calendar year (CY) 2016. Under this program, the agency will perform inspections of employers that the agency believes should have provided 300A data electronically, but did not for the CY 2016 injury and illness data collection.
For CY2016, OSHA required employers to electronically submit Form 300A data by December 15, 2017. The CY17 deadline was July 1, 2018; however, employers may still provide information to the database.
Establishments with 250 or more employees that are currently required to keep OSHA injury and illness records, and establishments with 20-249 employees that are classified in specific high injury rate industries will be required to provide this information each year by March 2.
For more information, see the OSHA news release.